The Board of Governance

The NIODA Board of Governance’s primary reference lies in the Institute’s statement of purpose: ‘To further systems psychodynamic education for the improvement of organisations, community and society’.

The Board of Governance responsibilities include:

Sets Purpose Statement

Determined NIODA’s statement of purpose T’o ‘provide education in systems psychodynamic approaches for the improvement of organisations, community and society’.

Evaluates Purpose

Evaluates, in an ongoing way, the extent to which the stated purpose of NIODA is being fulfilled.


Organisational Values

Protects, models and explains NIODA’s organisational values.


Keeps abreast of changes in NIODA’s environment and ensures the organisation adapts as necessary.

Performance Monitoring

Monitors the performance of the Board to ensure excellence in practice.

Develops Reporting Processes

Develops high level reporting processes to ensure all legal, regulatory and financial requirements are met. 

Organisational Monitoring

Develops rigorous organisational monitoring that connect to internal and external reporting processes.

External Stakeholders

With the CEO, develops and maintains appropriate relationships with external stakeholders. 

Dr Judy Kent

Dr Judy Kent

Board of Governance Chair

Mr Paul Dore

Mr Paul Dore

Board of Governance Deputy Chair, Strategy portfolio

Mr Fred Wright

Mr Fred Wright

Board of Governance Member, Board Policy portfolio

Ms Rosemary Pacquola

Ms Rosemary Pacquola

Board of Governance Member, Finance portfolio

Mr Michael Carpenter

Mr Michael Carpenter

Board of Governance Member

Mr Simon Finn

Mr Simon Finn

Board of Governance Member

Dr Peter Frost

Dr Peter Frost

Board of Governance member, Academic Board Representative

Ms Katie Webber

Ms Katie Webber

Board of Governance member, Risk portfolio

Dr Jan Allen

Dr Jan Allen

Board of Governance member, Academic Board Chair

Ms Michelle Schipano

Ms Michelle Schipano

Board Secretary

Ms Sally Mussared

Ms Sally Mussared

CEO & Administration Lead

Outstanding Board Leadership

The central focus or ‘reason for being’ of Board of Governance members is to maintain the relevance and usefulness of NIODA education (through academic programs, research and scholarship and consultancy) to organisations and the people who work in them. These are the primary stakeholders of the Institute.

The role of the Board of Governance is to be accountable for how the organisation works to successfully achieve this purpose within legal, ethical and prudent bounds. The Board is where all authority lies until some is delegated to others.

The Board is responsible for developing governance policy.

The Board defines, in writing, its expectations and intentions with regard to delivery, intended recipients, and intended impact on the outside world.

The Board is also responsible for the appointment of the CEO, for providing appropriate support to the CEO and for monitoring his/her performance.

NIODA's Board Charter

If you would like to read NIODA’s Board Charter

PO Box 287, Collins Street West,
Melbourne  8007  Australia
+61 (0) 414 529 867

NIODA acknowledges the Kulin Nations, and respective Traditional Custodians of the lands we work on.
We pay our respects to Elders past and present, and recognise their enduring sovereignty which has, and continues to, care for Country.
NIODA welcomes the Uluru Statement from the Heart’s invitation to walk with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in a collective movement for a better future.

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