Analytic-Network Coaching

Analytic-Network Coaching

February 2019

Advanced Coach Training

Drawing on the first meta-theory of coaching

Advanced Coach Training

with Dr Simon Western

This training accredits you to become a

Registered Analytic-Network Coach

and certifies you to:

Use the Analytic-Network Coaching System™
To debrief the Wild Leadership Questionnaire
To join the International Advanced Coaching Network

What is Analytic-Network Coaching?

Analytic-Network Coaching (A-N coaching) is a system that helps clients to develop their personal, authentic leadership approach and strategically influence the networks in which they work, to create positive transformational change. It is not a prescriptive coaching formula, but a process developed by Dr. Simon Western, in which coaches work systematically and adaptively through five “frames” to help their clients to discover deep personal insights, identify and strive for desired change, develop connectedness and understand how to deliver individual and organisational transformation.

This training programme is for experienced coaches to learn and master the A-N five frame coaching system.

The Analytic Network Coaching System

Why Analytic-Network Coaching?

Today we live and work in a networked society, a globalised and connected world. In the workplace, the machine metaphor that dominated the 20th century is no-longer fit for purpose. It is replaced in the 21st century by the metaphor of the eco-system, representing our inter-dependent, networked and fast changing workplaces. Large and small organisations are realising that new forms of leadership are required to influence the eco-systems in which we work; eco-systems made up of technology, machines, architecture, people and nature. ‘ Eco-leadership’ captured in Simon’s book Leadership – A Critical Text (Western, 2013) describes the new form of ethical and practical leadership required for our times, and is recognised by scholars and practitioners internationally.

In his coaching and consulting work with CEOs and senior leaders in global businesses and large public sector organisations, Simon found that there was both, recognition of and a desire for change, but very little practical help to support it. This prompted him to spend five years researching and practicing coaching methods to refine how to develop leaders to think and act in authentic and networked ways. This research can be found in Coaching and Mentoring – A Critical Text (Western, 2012), which defines the first meta-theory of coaching, and applies coaching to the challenges of today’s networked society.

Through his acclaimed theoretical work on coaching and leadership, Simon has produced the A-N Five Frame coaching system, that supports the development of Eco-leadership.

Put simply it is coaching new leaders for new times.

What you get from this course

During Certification you will:

• Discover deep personal insights, and develop your advanced coaching skills
• Learn how to coach leaders to think strategically and develop sustainable strategies for change
• Be able to offer leaders new conceptual frameworks, including networked strategy
• Maximise your clients’ capacity to develop rich relationships and connectedness, and positively influence their networks
• Understand how to support individual and organisational transformation
• Learn how to support leaders to work ethically and with emancipatory aims

‘Simon Western has coached both teams and individuals at HSBC. His coaching enables individuals and groups to think about their personal purpose and centre their authentic leadership effectively and consistently in the networks that make up their personal and professional lives. His unique perspective helps individuals to achieve harmony between different aspects of life, and thus authenticity.’
Christopher Yates – Global Head of OD, HSBC Bank

‘Coaching with Simon has enabled me to connect my personal, leadership and organisational issues in a profound way and to make major leaps of understanding…’
Dr Lynne Sedgmore, CBE, CEO – UK National Centre for Excellence in Leadership, Education Sector

NIODA is pleased to be the delivery partner for Analytic-Network advance coach training in Melbourne

Melbourne Advanced Coach Training
At The Treacey Centre, 126 The Avenue, Parkville, Melbourne Victoria
Starting from A$1900 &

Dr Simon Western
CEO Analytic-Network Coaching Ltd
President-Elect International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organisations
Adjunct Professor University College Dublin

Twitter: @ANCoaching
Call: +353 851362 219

Course Information

Participation Agreement

When & Where

Analytic-Network Coaching

DATE:  7, 8 & 9 February 2019

TIME:  9 – 5.30 pm

COST: from A$1,900

LOCATION: Treacey Centre, 126 The Avenue, Parkville

Get In Touch

5 + 12 =

PO box 287, Collins Street West  Melbourne  8007  Australia
+61 414 529 867

Leading and Managing in the Emergency and Trauma Sectors Symposium

Leading and Managing in the Emergency and Trauma Sectors Symposium


Leading and Managing in the Emergency and Trauma Sectors Symposium

Exploring the dynamics of interoperability before, during and after crises.

Saturday 15th September 2018

Friday 14th optional pre-symposium dinner & accommodation

Leading and Managing in the Emergency and Trauma Sectors Symposium

This year, NIODA’s Annual Symposium will explore how leaders and managers in the emergency and trauma sectors can improve interoperability and collaboration within and between organisations.

The study of organisation dynamics explores conscious and unconscious drivers which shape the way we work together. Unconscious behaviours are at play in every group or team and are constantly changing. With better insight, leaders can achieve organisational goals and better care for their people.

The Symposium will bring together those who research and specialise in organisation and inter-organisation dynamics with those who lead and manage teams in the emergency and trauma sectors, to explore the dynamics of interoperability together. Relevant research and helpful frameworks to ‘see’ these dynamics and attend to them will be shared.

Speakers and panel members include:

Associate Professor Christine Owen,

University of Tasmania

Christine Owen is currently an Associate Professor and Research Fellow in emergency management with the Tasmanian Institute of Law Enforcement Studies [TILES] at the University of Tasmania.  Christine researches and facilitates professional development in the areas of human factors and organisational culture, decision making under pressure, debriefing, leadership and adversity as well as coaching and mentoring

Dr. Rob Gordon,

Clinical Psychologist

Rob Gordon PhD is a clinical psychologist and group psychotherapist who has worked with disaster affected communities throughout Australia and New Zealand for thirty years.  Rob also provides services to a wide range of health, welfare and other human service agencies for workplace stress and trauma. 

Deb Martindale,


Deb Martindale has worked extensively with emergency management and policing organisations. Deb uses a systems and organisation dynamics lens in her work. She has a particular interest in working with inter-organisation dynamics.

Details of all papers to be presented available soon…

Leading and Managing in the Emergency and Trauma Sectors Symposium

15 September 2018, 9am – 4:30pm from $260 in Mt Macedon, Victoria.  Don’t miss out!

Further Insight

Interested? Some of the concepts that have inspired this Leading & Managing in the Emergency & Trauma Sectors Symposium are introduced below.

Interoperability and inter-organisation dynamics

Interoperability refers to the capacity of different groups to work together. It requires high levels of communication and collaboration, but even with effective protocols and good intent, it can be very challenging. Research shows that collaboration requires a number of features, including but not limited to:

  • identification with the purpose, tasks and values of the multiparty team;
  • highly functioning communications;
  • mutual understanding of different roles and organisational cultures;
  • respect and trust;
  • structural, cultural and resource support for collaborative commitment;
  • well-designed processes;
  • rewards for collaboration and constraints to mitigate ‘slippage’; and
  • clear and competent leadership with skill in emotional intelligence.

However, even with these practical elements in place a deeper understanding about what really holds teams back or diverts them from their task can be gained. Why do teams, even with all of the above in place, still sometimes stall or seem to lack the necessary energy to make an impact? 

Cohesion typically experienced during response phases can be hard to sustain

In response to an event or crisis, teams typically unite against a common ‘enemy’ (the event). In these scenarios, there is often a higher acceptance for authorised leadership, and confidence can be found in well-defined roles and agreed processes. The structure of the ‘system’ creates a sense of safety.

Beyond response mode, individuals, teams and organisations tend to withdraw for respite into their own familiar territories and ways of working, communication is experienced as harder to maintain, and the rewards for collaboration become less immediate and evident. This respite is an important form of recovery, however ideally, should not close-down interoperability.

Further, while response systems and roles are very well defined, and organisations are sensibly trained and prepared, this is not always as true for ‘before’ and ‘after’ activities. Here, the mission can be harder to clearly envisage, roles become increasingly vague, and there are many competing distractions. How can we explore these dynamics and better work with this reality?

Resistance to change, and leading sector reform

In order to change, people must first feel secure. Providing an environment in which people can better tolerate difficulties, risks, or anxieties is a necessary factor to successful change. When thoughts or emotions cannot be contained, some predictable behaviours emerge in organisations.

For example, when a team’s identity or the scope of their task is unclear, conflict between groups can emerge, with a ‘them and us’ rather than a ‘we’ mentality. This can occur between organisations, or between sub-systems and teams within an organisation.

Other group behaviours resisting change are common, ranging from apathy and absence to unexpected emotion or territorial behaviour. These ‘social defences’ have been well researched and look beyond how individuals react, instead focusing on how whole systems work unconsciously to defend against change or risk. The important news is that once social defences are explored and recognised, the work of an organisation can continue more productively.

Prevention, response and recovery activities are all equally important aspects in emergency management and trauma. It is the resilience and sustainability of organisations, and their ability to work well together in each of these phases that will lead to even greater capacity and ultimately, safer outcomes for communities.

Partners of attendees

Partners are welcome to attend the dinner and stay on the Friday evening as accommodation is in double rooms with an ensuite.  On the Saturday partners can enjoy the on-site 10 acres of the beautiful gardens, take a short drive to the historic townships of Kyneton, Woodend, Malmsbury or Trentham or visit the fine local wineries in the Macedon region. The area is known for fine food, interesting shopping and historic sites.

When & Where

Leading and Managing in the Emergency and Trauma Sectors Symposium


Saturday 15th September 2018
Optional dinner & accommodation Friday 14th


9am – 4:30 pm


Victorian Emergency Management Institute
601 Mount Macedon Road, Mount Macedon, Victoria  3441


The National Institute of Organisation Dynamics Australia (NIODA) offers internationally renowned post-graduate education and research, and decades of experience consulting with Australian organisations. In 2018, their annual Symposium will explore the dynamics of interoperability and work within the emergency and trauma sectors.

The study of organisation dynamics brings together socio-technical and psychoanalytic disciplines to explore the unconscious dynamics that exist in every group, team or organisation. Learning more about these theories, and reflecting on the experience of them, can support leaders and managers to unlock great potential in their organisations, tackling issues through a whole new light.

Leadership, Management and Organisation Dynamics, Sydney

Leadership, Management and Organisation Dynamics, Sydney

You know how difficult it is to be a great leader and manager?  You will have ploughed through the plethora of courses available to find one in which you learn real, valuable and in-depth theory and skills so you can be a better leader.  What we do is teach in-depth understanding of leadership, management and organisation dynamics so that you can develop the know-how to effect real change.  This program is also a must for those consulting to leaders and managers across all organisational domains.

In fact for the first time ever this program will be available in Sydney in a modular format!

The Leadership, Management and Organisation Dynamics program is designed for experienced professionals who wish to develop these capabilities in organisational leadership and management.

It is a part-time program across three years of face-to-face coursework and regular online classroom sessions.

Participants are taught in blocks of two, three or five days with online sessions supplementing the face-to-face classes.

In-depth Subjects…

– Organisations and Management through the Art of Metaphor – Unconscious Dynamics in Groups and Systems – ‘Through a Cultural Lens’: Collaborating with the ‘other’ at work – Systems Psychodynamic Consulting – Strategy in Complex Systems – Organisational Role Analysis – Managing Beyond Organisational Boundaries: Networks and other Relations – Leadership and Authority for Role and Task – Action Research 1, 2 & 3 – Publishing and Disseminating Action Research.

The coursework for the majority of subjects is held in York Street, Sydney.
(Two subjects are held in Melbourne.)

Are you ready for the full leadership, management and organisation dynamics program details?

NIODA is the National Institute of Organisation Dynamics Australia. The Institute is recognised  internationally for the depth and exemplary standards of its Leadership and Management Programs and for the exceptional staff experience and expertise of those who teach in the program.  This is not a fly-by-night program.  This is a quality, trusted program with a long history. In it you will delve into the deeper layers of organisational life so you can develop the knowledge and expertise to be a better leader and manager.

The individual and group dynamics that create organisational problems are like a giant hairball.  Our task is to disentangle it and so make the newly freed threads a fresh resource for the organisation.

Dr Brigid Nossal

Starting Details

DATE:  3 September 2018

TIME:  All week

LOCATION: York Street, Sydney, Australia








Are you an Action Taker

and ready to find out more?

Get In Touch

PO box 564, Flinders Lane  Melbourne  8009  Australia
+61 414 529 867

NIODA Insights

NIODA Insights

I have recently joined NIODA as the Board Secretary / Office Manager and am regularly delighted by the insights that theses wonderful people have into who we are and how we can work well as a team.  They not only have the expertise and experience to share these ingiths, but they live and breathe what they do.

I am thrilled to have joined such an eminent team of educators who share their knowlege and understanding of the dynamics between individuals and within organisations with their students, consulting clients, research partners and those who are fortunate enough to attend NIODA’s seminars, workshops, group study sessions, symposiums and conferences.

And, it’s not just the team on the ground, but those on NIODA’s boards and committees, many of whom have completed their Masters of Leadership and Management in Organisation Dynamics themselves, who are insightful and dare I say ‘enlightened’ about how to understand, develop and create real Organisational Change.

Im thrilled to be on board at NIODA, and I aim to be the conduit to enabling those at NIODA to share their insights with you in this blog.

Cheers,  Sally

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