Analytic-Network Advanced Coach Training

Analytic-Network Advanced Coach Training

Analytic Network Coaching

Advanced Coach Training Online


Dr Simon Western

Analytic-Network Advanced Coach Training

with Dr Simon Western

Analytic-Network Advanced Coach Training 2021

This training accredits you to become a

Registered Analytic-Network Coach

and certifies you to:

Use the Analytic-Network Coaching System™
To debrief the Hidden Leadership Profile Assessment
To join the International Advanced Coaching Network

What is Analytic-Network Coaching?

Analytic-Network Coaching (A-N coaching) is a system that helps clients to develop their personal, authentic leadership approach and strategically influence the networks in which they work, to create positive transformational change. It is not a prescriptive coaching formula, but a process developed by Dr. Simon Western, in which coaches work systematically and adaptively through five “frames” to help their clients to discover deep personal insights, identify and strive for desired change, develop connectedness and understand how to deliver individual and organisational transformation.

This training programme is for experienced coaches to learn and master the A-N five frame coaching system.

The Analytic Network Coaching System

Why Analytic-Network Coaching?

Today we live and work in a networked society, a globalised and connected world. In the workplace, the machine metaphor that dominated the 20th century is no-longer fit for purpose. It is replaced in the 21st century by the metaphor of the eco-system, representing our inter-dependent, networked and fast changing workplaces. Large and small organisations are realising that new forms of leadership are required to influence the eco-systems in which we work; eco-systems made up of technology, machines, architecture, people and nature. ‘ Eco-leadership’ captured in Simon’s book Leadership – A Critical Text (Western, 2013) describes the new form of ethical and practical leadership required for our times, and is recognised by scholars and practitioners internationally.

In his coaching and consulting work with CEOs and senior leaders in global businesses and large public sector organisations, Simon found that there was both, recognition of and a desire for change, but very little practical help to support it. This prompted him to spend five years researching and practicing coaching methods to refine how to develop leaders to think and act in authentic and networked ways. This research can be found in Coaching and Mentoring – A Critical Text (Western, 2012), which defines the first meta-theory of coaching, and applies coaching to the challenges of today’s networked society.

Through his acclaimed theoretical work on coaching and leadership, Simon has produced the A-N Five Frame coaching system, that supports the development of Eco-leadership.

Put simply it is coaching new leaders for new times.

What you get from this course

During Certification you will:

• Discover deep personal insights, and develop your advanced coaching skills
• Learn how to coach leaders to think strategically and develop sustainable strategies for change
• Be able to offer leaders new conceptual frameworks, including networked strategy
• Maximise your clients’ capacity to develop rich relationships and connectedness, and positively influence their networks
• Understand how to support individual and organisational transformation
• Learn how to support leaders to work ethically and with emancipatory aims

Analytic-Network Advanced Coach Training 2021

‘Simon Western has coached both teams and individuals at HSBC. His coaching enables individuals and groups to think about their personal purpose and centre their authentic leadership effectively and consistently in the networks that make up their personal and professional lives. His unique perspective helps individuals to achieve harmony between different aspects of life, and thus authenticity.’
Christopher Yates – Global Head of OD, HSBC Bank

‘Coaching with Simon has enabled me to connect my personal, leadership and organisational issues in a profound way and to make major leaps of understanding…’
Dr Lynne Sedgmore, CBE, CEO – UK National Centre for Excellence in Leadership, Education Sector

NIODA is pleased to be the delivery partner for Analytic-Network Advanced Coach Training with Dr Simon Western in this time zone

starting from AUD $3,500 for the live interactive twelve four-hour sessions

Please note this is in Melbourne, Australia time.  The time listed below is set to calculate the first start time depending on the time zone of your computer.  The first session will start at:

time start

Introduction 17  September
Depth Analysis 23 – 24 September
Relational Analysis 30 Sept – 01 Oct
Leadership Analysis 7 – 8 October
Network Analysis 14 – 15 October
Strategic Analysis 21 – 22 October
Transition 29 October


4 – 8 pm until 7 Oct, then 5 – 9 pm 🇨🇰  Melbourne
2 – 6 pm 🇸🇬  Singapore
7 – 11 am 🇬🇧  London
2 – 6 am (eek!) 🇺🇸  New York

Advanced Coach Training
Starting from A$3,500 &

Dr Simon Western
CEO Analytic-Network Coaching Ltd
Past President International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organisations
Adjunct Professor University College Dublin

Twitter: @ANCoaching
Call: +353 851362 219

Course Information

Participation Agreement

Analytic-Network Advanced Coach Training








When & Where

Analytic-Network Advanced Coach Training
with Dr Simon Western

📆  DateS

Friday 17 September to Friday 29 October 2021

⏰. Session Times

4 – 8 pm 🇨🇰  Melbourne
2 – 6 pm 🇸🇬  Singapore
7 – 11 am 🇬🇧  London
2 – 6 am (eek!) 🇺🇸  New York

💷  For only

Starting from AUD $3,500 for the twelve four-hour sessions

👩🏻‍💻. Location

Live interactive online session via Zoom

Leadership in the Pandemic and Beyond Simon Western photo


Analytic-Network Advance Coach Training

Simon is an internationally recognized thought leader and author in the field of leadership, coaching and organizational culture. His theory and practice of Eco-Leadership is taught at business schools and influences leaders across the globe. His message is clear ‘organizations are ecosystems within ecosystems’ and this radically changes how we work and live. Simon’s Eco-Leadership theory offers a framework for leaders to navigate a path working with these ecosystems made up from technology, nature and people.

Simon is the founder/CEO of Analytic-Network Coaching Ltd. A-Nc has over 300 registered coaches trained to deliver new forms of distributed leadership for today’s Network Society. He is Previously a family psychotherapist, he is a highly gifted communicator, building trust and confidence; he coaches and consults to CEO’s and leadership teams. He founded Edgy Ideas Podcast in 2020 to explore ‘how to live a good life and create a good society’.

Adjunct Professor University College Dublin, Past President/CEO of the International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations (ISPSO), Previous roles: Director of Coaching Lancaster University, Director of Masters in Organizational Consultancy-psychoanalytic approaches Tavistock Clinic London.

Get In Touch

7 + 4 =

PO box 287, Collins Street West  Melbourne  8007  Australia
+61 414 529 867

Writing Workshop 2021

Writing Workshop 2021

Writing Workshop

This workshop aims to help participants become authors of their written pieces; to discover the role of author; to allow their imagination to flourish. It also looks to the fundamentals of good writing and editing.

Writing Workshop

Professor Susan Long

Three days – Wednesday to Friday 26, 27 and 28 May 2021


Professor Susan Long, author of many books and peer-reviewed articles, is offering a writing workshop for those who want to find the genuine author in themselves. Writing can take many forms: academic theses, research reports, persuasive items, business reports, journalistic pieces, novels and poems. Although having different purposes and audiences, all writing can be creative, and all messes can be cleaned up later.  This workshop aims to help participants become authors of their written pieces; to discover the role of author; to allow their imagination to flourish. It also looks to the fundamentals of good writing and editing.

In the Writing workshop, participants will approach questions such as:
Why do I want to publish?
Who is my audience?
How do I choose a journal or publisher?
What do reviewers and editors look for?
How can I manage time for writing?
How do I present and develop an argument?
How should I work with case study material?
How can I understand and develop my style?

There will be time for writing and gaining feedback.

Prof Susan Long


Writing Workshop

Director of Research NIODA, Australia

Currently, Susan supervises research students and conducts organisational research. Susan also teaches and supervises doctoral candidates at different universities and teaches in the INSEAD Master of Coaching and Consulting program in Singapore.

As an organisational consultant in private practice Susan works with organisational change, executive coaching, board development, role analysis, team development and management training. She originally trained as a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist.

‘And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.’
– The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath

‘The idea of just wandering off to a cafe with a notebook and writing and seeing where that takes me for awhile is just bliss.’
– J. K. Rowling

Writing Workshop 2021








Writing Workshop with Professor Susan Long

9.30 am Wednesday to 4.30 pm Friday
26 – 28 May 2021
Cape Schanck, Australia

* The three full days writing workshop,
luxury accommodation at the RACV Cape Schanck Resort and
all meals for AUD $1,550

Places limited… don’t miss out!


When & Where

Writing Workshop with Professor Susan Long

📆  Dates

Wednesday 26 to Friday 28 May 2021

⏰. Session Times

9.30 am Wednesday – 4.30 pm Friday

💷  For only

AUD $1,550 three-day workshop, meals and accommodation

🏡 Location

Beautiful country Homestead in Fingal,
accommodation at RACV Cape Schanck Resort

👩🏻‍💻. COVID-19 Contingency

If COVID restrictions prevents this workshop from running face-to-face, this will be delivered live interactive online via zoom and participants will receive a refund of AUD$550


The National Institute of Organisation Dynamics Australia (NIODA) offers internationally renowned post-graduate education and research in organisation dynamics, and decades of experience consulting with Australian organisations. 

The study of organisation dynamics brings together socio-technical and psychoanalytic disciplines to explore the unconscious dynamics that exist in every group, team or organisation. Learning more about these theories, and reflecting on the experience of them, can support leaders and managers to unlock great potential in their organisations, tackling issues through a whole new light.

PO Box 287, Collins Street West,
Melbourne  8007  Australia
+61 (0) 414 529 867

NIODA acknowledges the Kulin Nations, and respective Traditional Custodians of the lands we work on.
We pay our respects to Elders past and present, and recognise their enduring sovereignty which has, and continues to, care for Country.
NIODA welcomes the Uluru Statement from the Heart’s invitation to walk with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in a collective movement for a better future.

Leadership in the Pandemic and Beyond Simon Western

Leadership in the Pandemic and Beyond Simon Western

Leadership in the Pandemic and Beyond

Utilizing Lacan’s ‘Three Moments’ & the theory of Eco-leadership

Dr Simon Western

Leadership in the Pandemic and Beyond

Utilizing Lacan’s ‘Three Moments’ & the theory of Eco-leadership

Dr Simon Western


Wednesday 21 April 2021

6- 8 pm Melbourne time

Dr Simon Western will present this seminar on leadership in the pandemic, and on developing new leadership for new times. Drawing on Lacanian psychoanalytic thinking and his own theories of Eco-Leadership, Simon offers ways to think about three distinct phases of leadership during a crisis. His work develops a leadership theory and practice that demands an ethical leadership that engages with technological, natural and social ecosystems.

This seminar aims to:
– help make sense of the leadership pandemic responses we experienced
– act as a guide for future practice

The presentation draws on two influences:
a) Lacan’s theory of Logical time & his three moments, as a way of thinking about how “intersubjective time structures human action” (Lacan in Ecrits)
b) The theory & practice of Eco-Leadership developed by Western. S (2019)

Leadership in the Pandemic and Beyond
Seminar with Dr Simon Western

AUD $35 for the live interactive two-hour session

6 – 8 pm Melbourne 🇨🇰
9 – 11 am London 🇬🇧
4 – 6 pm Singapore 🇸🇬
4 – 6 am (eek!) New York 🇺🇸

Please note this is in Melbourne, Australia time.  The time listed below is set to calculate the first start time depending on the time zone of your computer.  The first session will start at:

time start

Leadership in the Pandemic and Beyond Simon Western








Leadership in the Pandemic and Beyond Simon Western photo


Leadership in the Pandemic and Beyond Seminar

Simon is an internationally recognized thought leader and author in the field of leadership, coaching and organizational culture. His theory and practice of Eco-Leadership is taught at business schools and influences leaders across the globe. His message is clear ‘organizations are ecosystems within ecosystems’ and this radically changes how we work and live. Simon’s Eco-Leadership theory offers a framework for leaders to navigate a path working with these ecosystems made up from technology, nature and people.

Simon is the founder/CEO of Analytic-Network Coaching Ltd. A-Nc has over 300 registered coaches trained to deliver new forms of distributed leadership for today’s Network Society. He is Previously a family psychotherapist, he is a highly gifted communicator, building trust and confidence; he coaches and consults to CEO’s and leadership teams. He founded Edgy Ideas Podcast in 2020 to explore ‘how to live a good life and create a good society’.

Adjunct Professor University College Dublin, Past President/CEO of the International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations (ISPSO), Previous roles: Director of Coaching Lancaster University, Director of Masters in Organizational Consultancy-psychoanalytic approaches Tavistock Clinic London.

When & Where

Leadership in the Pandemic and Beyond Seminar
with Dr Simon Western

📆  Date

Wednesday 21 April 2021

⏰. Session Times

6 – 8 pm Melbourne 🇨🇰 
9 – 11 am London 🇬🇧
4 – 6 pm Singapore 🇸🇬
4 – 6 am (eek!) New York 🇺🇸 

💷  For only

AUD $35 two-hour seminar including
the presentation, small group and plenary discussions

👩🏻‍💻. Location

Live interactive online session via Zoom

Simon Western Edgy Ideas Podcast


Edgy Ideas Podcast

Leadership a critical text by Simon Western


Leadership: A Critical Text. Sage 3rd edition, Sage pub (Western S. 2019)

Global Leadership Perspectives by Simon Western


Global Leadership Perspectives: Insights and Analysis, Sage pub (Western S. & Eric-Jean Garcia 2018)

Coaching and Mentoring by Simon Western


Coaching and Mentoring a critical text Sage pub (Western S. 2012)


The National Institute of Organisation Dynamics Australia (NIODA) offers internationally renowned post-graduate education and research, and decades of experience consulting with Australian organisations.

The study of organisation dynamics brings together socio-technical and psychoanalytic disciplines to explore the unconscious dynamics that exist in every group, team or organisation. Learning more about these theories, and reflecting on the experience of them, can support leaders and managers to unlock great potential in their organisations, tackling issues through a whole new light.

Get In Touch

PO box 287, Collins Street West,
Melbourne  8007  Australia
+61 414 529 867

This Get In Touch form is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.

The Unconscious – The Evolution of an Idea

The Unconscious – The Evolution of an Idea

The Unconscious – The Evolution of an Idea Seminar

This follows the lecture given for the Eric Miller Memorial Lecture 2020

Professor Susan Long

The Unconscious – The Evolution of an Idea

This follows the lecture given for the Eric Miller Memorial Lecture 2020

Professor Susan Long


Wednesday 24 March 2021

6- 8 pm Melbourne time

In this seminar, Susan will explore some of the origins of our thinking about the unconscious and how its conceptualisation has changed over time from its philosophical underpinnings, through Freud and Psychoanalysis, into understanding broad group and societal phenomena. The unconscious is a transformative idea and provides potential explanations for what seem often to be intractable personal, work and social issues.

The idea of the unconscious is central to psychoanalytic and socioanalytic theories. It is an idea about processes that are elusive and can only be observed through their effects, or inferred from the gaps in our direct experience, and hence is constantly hypothetical and open to challenge; so, we may expect the idea of the unconscious to be in constant evolution. It is a thought about thoughts; an idea about ideas. It is an idea about how thoughts influence us even though we may not be aware of them. It is an idea about what we do with unwanted thoughts or thoughts that we are not ready to entertain. It is an idea about how thoughts shape and are shaped by our experience. It is an idea that responds to the question: what lies beneath consciousness? Or put another way: what prevents us from consciously thinking thoughts?

The Unconscious – The Evolution of an Idea
Seminar with Professor Susan Long

AUD $35 for the live interactive two-hour session

6 – 8 pm 🇨🇰  Melbourne
7 – 9 am 🇬🇧  London
3 – 5 am (eek!) 🇺🇸  New York
3 -5 pm 🇸🇬  Singapore

Please note this is in Melbourne, Australia time.  The time listed below is set to calculate the first start time depending on the time zone of your computer.  The first session will start at:

time start

The Unconscious – The Evolution of an Idea








Prof Susan Long


Small Study Group Series 

Director of Research NIODA, Australia

Currently, Susan supervises research students and conducts organisational research. Susan also teaches and supervises doctoral candidates at different universities and teaches in the INSEAD Master of Coaching and Consulting program in Singapore.

As an organisational consultant in private practice Susan works with organisational change, executive coaching, board development, role analysis, team development and management training. She originally trained as a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist.

When & Where

The Unconscious – The Evolution of an Idea
Seminar with Professor Susan Long

📆  Date

Wednesday 24 March 2021

⏰. Session Times

6 – 8 pm 🇨🇰  Melbourne
7 – 9 am 🇬🇧  London
3 – 5 am (eek!) 🇺🇸  New York
3 – 5 pm 🇸🇬  Singapore

💷  For only

AUD $35 two-hour seminar including
the presentation, small group and plenary discussions

👩🏻‍💻. Location

Live interactive online session via Zoom


The National Institute of Organisation Dynamics Australia (NIODA) offers internationally renowned post-graduate education and research, and decades of experience consulting with Australian organisations.

The study of organisation dynamics brings together socio-technical and psychoanalytic disciplines to explore the unconscious dynamics that exist in every group, team or organisation. Learning more about these theories, and reflecting on the experience of them, can support leaders and managers to unlock great potential in their organisations, tackling issues through a whole new light.

Get In Touch

PO box 287, Collins Street West,
Melbourne  8007  Australia
+61 414 529 867

This Get In Touch form is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.

Address to the 2020 Graduands of the master

Address to the 2020 Graduands of the master

Address to the 2020 Graduands of the Master of Leadership and Management (Organisation Dynamics)

NIODA Graduation Ceremony


Address to the 2020 Graduands of the Master of Leadership and Management (Organisation Dynamics)

For the last few weeks, as I’ve held this graduation in mind, I’ve recognised the parallel of our Melbourne experience of emerging out of lockdown with your experience of emerging out of your studies as we begin to move from our homes and our five-kilometre zones. You’re packing away your books closing up your folders, finishing classes and socialising once again, many of our cities poets, authors and thinkers have reflected on 2020 and a song called ‘When the machine starts up again‘ by Missy Higgins caught my attention. Unsurprisingly I was transported back to first year where we studied the machine metaphors of organisations. In this song, Missy alludes to the busyness, the pressure, the strain of pre-lockdown life and she sings:
When the machine starts up again will I be spinning all the plates? Will I be snapping at its wheels buying books on how to feel? When the machine starts up again and the speed is picking up, will I forget what it’s like to be standing here looking up, drinking in the sky, oh don’t let me forget, don’t let me forget when the machine starts up again.

I wonder graduates if this sentiment resonates with you? What will happen when your machine starts up again, when the hours that have been carved out in your calendars, as well as the mental load that has been expended on your studies, is no longer occupied in the same way that it has done for three, four or even five years?

Also please don’t let me forget tonight right now we are creating a memory that will contribute to your remembering. Tonight is a cairn moment. To celebrate the completion of my masters along with some other milestones, we packed up the kids, hooked on the camper trailer and spent 100 nights travelling a 20,000 kilometres, a half lap around Australia. I clearly remember my regular battle of study sessions during third year. Should I research academic literature or campgrounds in Kakadu beyond or Broome? Winnicott or whale watching? But during our adventure, we walked through riverbeds, along valleys, across cliffs and outback stations. So we came across a few cairns. For those non-walkers among us, a cairn is a pile of rocks that is rocks that are precariously piled on top of each other; the cairns aren’t carried long distances, they aren’t they are just gathered from the ground nearby, they aren’t labelled or signed or consistently sized or shaped, they aren’t drawn on maps and you usually don’t find them on Google. However, a cairn can be significant. It can even save lives. A cairn marks something, it acknowledges something. Sometimes those things are known, sometimes they’re not, except by the cairn builders. It may be a track, or a location of a site, or a recognition of a distance for work for walkers. The cairn is a good place to stop to get out the map or the water bottle or the snacks, to recover refresh and muster energy to continue to look back from where we’ve come and to celebrate and to look forward to where we’re going, and to anticipate sometimes walkers add a rock or a branch or a scratch. To the cairn it symbolises achievement and presence – I made it! I am here! Walkers also see other rocks and acknowledge that others often unknown to them have been and gone just as they will come and go. It’s a place also to wait for others to catch up, to be attentive to the people around you. A cairn is a good place for a yarn. This graduation like a cairn is not particularly spectacular, it is another zoom in a day, a week and a year of zooms, it’s a Tuesday night and again we’re all in our homes. I have a special hat and a shiny blue fabric on top but I do admit that I’m wearing trackies and ugg boots on the bottom. The mode cannot diminish the significance of what is actually taking place here tonight graduands you are stopping you are looking back you are celebrating, and you are looking forward with anticipation, you are regrouping showing care and attention to your student colleagues. You are also recognising some of the other rocks in this cairn, or tonight squares on the screen, who have come before you and who stand with you. If we met in person at this ceremony tonight I’d give you each a rock and so that you could take it home and put it on your desk as a symbol of tonight to remember your studies what you have learned, how you have changed, so that when the machine starts up again and the wheels start to spin you will remember. But perhaps it’s not really needed because I have a hunch that you won’t need to strain very hard to remember.

Address to the 2020 Graduands of the Master of Leadership and Management (Organisation Dynamics)

Why? Because this master is not like some other ‘get and forget’ qualification. It’s not a stepping stone to something else which quickly becomes irrelevant when the something else begins.

During a conversation about the characteristic of the master’s course being relevant for many fields of work, I remember John Newton said it ‘wraps around whatever you do’. Well, I respectfully and playfully dare to disagree with you, Professor Newton. It does not ‘wrap-around’, it gets deep inside. It can’t be unwrapped and discarded like the pretty paper under the Christmas tree. It seeps into all sorts of surprising places and it’s certainly not easy to forget. Graduands, when you notice your physical responses during the workday you will remember when you continue to ask questions, long after others have stopped asking. You will remember when you suggest a perfectly timed reflection in the middle of a really tricky meeting. When you notice the unwritten line in the report, or the odd layout of desks in an office, or the watermark images on the mission statement on the wall, or the smudged mascara on the colleague leaving the meeting, or the pace at which the man walked into the boardroom, or the plethora of seemingly minute clues that seem to shout at you in the silence. You will remember. And when you feel the urge to grab a box of crayons or a journal and pen during a lunch break, and then return to your desk with renewed clarity and insight. When you walk toward complexity, rather than attempting to ignore, box or constrain it. When you suggest a small intervention that unlocks creativity and innovation in a team, and when you take up your roles of managing and leading other people with discernment curiosity and the very best of human decency and compassion. You will remember.

I offer to you my congratulations and with humility and gratitude, I extend the congratulations on behalf of AODA – the Alumni of Organisation Dynamics Australia. I take my ‘hat off’, even this one, to you or what you have done that none of us has done before, you have completed your final year on zoom. We can’t extend to you a conversation really or a hug or a handshake or a kiss, but I offer you just one word, that I hope encapsulates my intent to warmly welcome and commend you into the alumni, the word is putuwa. In the early 1790s, the astronomer and linguist William Dawe spent time on the foreshore of Sydney harbour with Patyegarang, a Gamaraigal woman. William recorded what he learned, so that here we are, 230 years later, we are gifted by just some gems of this ancient language. Putuwa is just one word yet has wonderfully specific and rich meaning – ‘to warm your hands by the fire and to squeeze gently the fingers of another person’. Putuwa ‘to warm your hands by the fire and to squeeze gently the fingers of another person’. For me and the alumni, we know something of the warmth of the fire. We have come to appreciate the value of system psychodynamics in our workplaces and in our world we’ve been encouraged by the ongoing connections with past students and our minds and practices have been sharpened by our involvement in symposiums, masterclasses, intensives and other offerings. We know the warmth on our hands and tonight we metaphorically gently squeeze your fingers in congratulations and welcome.

So as your student experience ends and your alumni experience begins, and as our cities machines start up again, and as your machine starts up again, hold on to the cairn of tonight, but don’t hold it too tightly and desperately, anxious about what you might forget, but hold it lightly confidently trusting that the real change, the profound learning and the deep wisdom is in you. So Carly, Laurette, Robyn, James and Karl, we putuwa you. Fiona, Thomas, Lucy, Alison, Carly and Jackie, we putuwa you.

Thank you

Ms Susan Campbell
John F Newton Award for Academic Excellence recipient 2018,
NIODA Academic Board of Governance member, Alumni portfolio

8 December 2020

Address to the 2020 Graduands of the Master of Leadership and Management (Organisation Dynamics)


Moran, A., McAllister, J. (2020). Patyegarang: Australia’s First Teacher of Aboriginal Language, ABC News, Viewed 20 January 2021,


ps Are you a leader or manager and would like to learn more this master which is not like some other ‘get and forget’ qualification? Have a look at the NIODA Master of Leadership and Management (Organisation Dynamics) course.










The National Institute of Organisation Dynamics Australia (NIODA) offers internationally renowned post-graduate education and research, and decades of experience consulting with Australian organisations.

The study of organisation dynamics brings together socio-technical and psychoanalytic disciplines to explore the unconscious dynamics that exist in every group, team or organisation. Learning more about these theories, and reflecting on the experience of them, can support leaders and managers to unlock great potential in their organisations, tackling issues through a whole new light.

Get In Touch

PO box 287, Collins Street West,
Melbourne  8007  Australia
+61 414 529 867

This Get In Touch form is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.

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