Organising Protest:

Where is our Systems Psychodynamic thinking on



Dialogue session


Thursday 8 Sep 2022


5.00 - 7.00 pm


time start

Aarti Kapoor

Aarti Kapoor

Executive Director, Embode, Britain

Aarti Kapoor is the Executive Director of Embode. She is a qualified lawyer in both the UK (England and Wales) and the US (New York state). She also has Masters degrees in ‘Law and Economics’ as well as ‘Systems Leadership and Organisational Analysis’.


120 minutes

Emma Olivier

Emma Olivier

Managing Director & Exec. Sponsor of Disability Inclusion, Accenture, Australia

Emma is a Managing Director at Accenture working with Aged Care and Disability provider clients across ANZ . She is also Accenture’s Executive Sponsor for Disability Inclusion in ANZ .

Emma is an active volunteer at Hampton lifesaving club. She is Victoria’s first one armed Lifesaver . She was appointed to Lifesaving Victoria’s Audit, Finance and Risk Committee in 2019. She also serves on the Board of Leadership Victoria

Emma was a nominee for Citizen of the year in Bayside council for Australia Day 2021 for her work in Disability Advocacy and is member of Bayside Councils Disability Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee.

Jenny Smith

Jenny Smith

GM People, Safety and Sustainability, Lochard Energy, Australia

Jenny Smith is a systems psychodynamically trained and orientated professional with experience in OD consultation, executive coaching and leadership development. She currently works as the General Manager of People and Safety for an Australian energy company and is a doctoral student in philosophy at the University of Melbourne.

Employees and Organisational Perspectives on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG): The dynamics of making progress toward socially-impactful business

Creating businesses that make positive contributions to their social and environmental context is a significant area of focus and investment in developed economies. Corporations are swiftly moving towards judging their value by accounting for their total Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) impact – and not just their economic value. ESG has become a significant part of the conversation at the highest levels of our corporations and is an increasingly important driver of investment decisions. ESG is rapidly changing the fabric of life inside our corporate organisations.

Workers in corporate organisations are also increasingly socially aware and demanding of change. They have strong moral codes and hold views on matters of social and political significance – workers may have strongly held beliefs about climate-change, anti-racism, diversity agendas, abortion rights and the war in Ukraine to name but a few.

The purpose of this panel is to open a conversation about the dynamics of making progress on ESG in corporate contexts. Questions include: How do leaders work constructively with workers who are engaged in social movements? What do leaders do when workers disagree on issues of ESG? How can leaders engage workers on matters of ESG? How can workers constructively engage leaders matters of personal moral significance?

The panel will be held in three stages. In stage one, we invite a small group of corporate leaders to engage in a dialogue. In stage two, we invite consultants and academics engaged in systems psychodynamics to reflect on what they heard. In stage three, we invite comments and reflections from the broader audience. Our aim is to generate insights and deepen critical thinking on the dynamics of making progress on matters of importance in the realm of environmental, social and corporate governance.


Moderated by Fiona Martin








Session schedule


Introduction – Fiona Martin


Fishbowl dialogue – Aarti Kapoor, Emma Olivier & Jenny Smith


Second level dialogue


Small group discussion




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First panel

The following are the first panel at the symposium

Not Knowing and Coming to Know Panel


Not Knowing and Coming to Know Panel


Not Knowing and Coming to Know Panel


Not Knowing and Coming to Know Panel


Learning to listen: the challenge of the Uluru statement from the heart

During COVID lockdown late in 2020, Deb Martindale, Sally Mussared, Kenwyn Smith and Seth Thomasson were motivated by the Uluru Statement from the Heart to respond to the government’s interim report. This led to the consideration that perhaps our role as ‘white fellas’ in the Yoorrook (Victorian Truth Telling Commission) was to actively listen. Regular reflection sessions have led to us being moved by what we have heard in the public hearings from Victorian First People Elders whose experiences illustrate many of the key impacts of colonisation still felt today, including Jack Charles, Uncle Johnny Lovett, Aunty Fay Carter, Aunty Alma Thorpe, Uncle Larry Walsh and Isobel Paipadjerook Morphy-Walsh, Uncle Kevin Coombs and Uncle Colin Walker. The impacts of our listening are developing, and we encourage you to listen to the Uluru Statement from the Heart to consider your role in this social movement.

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